Monday, December 29, 2014

Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion

'Isaac Marion has created the most unexpected romantic lead I have ever encountered'
- Stephanie Meyer 1# New York Times Best Selling Author of the Twilight Saga

Warm Bodies By Isaac Marion

In a-post apocalyptic future a zombie named R lives in an abandoned airport near a city. He refers to himself as R because he has no relocation of his old life only his zombie one. 

In the beginning he explains his life as a zombie as he says " I am dead, but its not so bad". He also explains how they are separated into two groups the Fleshies, the Dead who still have flesh on them, and the Boneys, the Dead who have been reduced to nothing more than skeletons with bits of muscle keeping them together. The Boneys are basically the leaders of the Dead, and are seemingly stronger and more intelligent than the Fleshies. R is a Fleshie. What R does not like to do is go hunted for the living, but he needs too, its his only life source.

Julie, a young human girl goes into the city with her boyfriend, Perry and a couple of friends to scavenge some medical supplies and food. While packing supplies into bags they hear sounds and soon after a group of zombies come in and attack. R is one of those zombies. R, while hunting gets distracted by Julie and soon gets shot by Perry. R enraged by being attacked soon kills Perry and starts eating his brain but not all of it, he stores his food because when eating someones brain you get memories, the only sort of dreams for the living dead. Everyone is killed exempt for Julie and her best friend Nora, Nora is in hiding but Julie was not so lucky.   

After killing Perry, R sees Julie all distressed and panicked thinking she is going to die, but R gives pity on the human and saves her. He approaches her and masked her scent with blood of the dead so the other zombies don't know she is a human. He takes her into hiding and keeps her safe. They soon get to know each other and it seems like a strange romance is blooming. But in this society where each other is killed for being who they are will their relationship survive or will they be separated by their two worlds.       

This book is probably one the most interesting books I have ever read. It really demonstrates that no matter who you are love is possible. Its also strange for me because I have never read about a zombie falling in love with a human before or vise versa. I actually loved this book because it has comedy, action and romance all in one. Its the perfect package in book. I have had a bit of doubt about this book but I was glad I actually took the time to read it and love it. This book is a bit gory with all the eating humans and stuff but its great for kids 12 and up. I give this book 4 and a half stars.   

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

 To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Harper Lee's coming-of-age tale, To Kill a Mockingbird, is set in the Deep South, and is told through the eyes of a little girl named Jean Louis Finch, commonly known as ScoutTo Kill a Mockingbird is both a brilliant rendering of a specific time and place as well as a universal tale of how understanding can triumph over old and evil mindsets.

Scout Finch lives with her father, a lawyer and a widow and her brother Jem. The first part of the novel explains Jem and Scout having fun, meeting new people and learning about a shadowing figure by the name of Boo Radley who lives in the neighboring house and is never seen. A number of bad rumors surround this man (he is rumored to be a runaway murderer, who steals children), but their fair-minded father warns them that they should try to see the world from the other people's perspectives and not judge people from rumors. 

Another plot line involves a young black man by the name of Tom Robinson who is accused of raping a white girl. Atticus, Scouts father takes on the case despite the largely white racist townsfolk. Given the cold shoulder by the white community, the Finch's are welcomed into the black community and Scout is amazed by the happy community despite being poor. When the time of the trial comes round, Atticus proves that the girl that Tom Robinson is accused of raping actually seduced him, and that the injuries to her face were caused by her father. 

Anyway, even with all the compelling evidence against the girl, Tom Robinson was convicted and put in jail because of the large white jury who only believe what the white say. Later on in the novel Tom believes there is no hope and the only way to get to his family is to escape but he caught and killed. 

What will happen to the Finch's family now? What about the Robinson family? Will there any be hope for the black community? Find out in To Kill a Mockingbird 

Okay, to be honest it was not one of my favorite books I have read. But it was good. I loved to story behind it, it was depressing but captivating at the same time. In the novel I thought that the white jury will have a change of mind and say that Tom Robinson was not guilty but things seem to have taken a turn for the worst in this novel. Anyways, this book demonstrates how far people will go to make someone feel guilty in every way. I think this novel should be for teens 14 and up because there is language and violence in the book. I give this book 3 and a half stars.



Monday, November 3, 2014

The Lord of Flies by William Golding

The Lord of Flies by William Golding

What if your plane crashes on an island and the only thing keeping you alive is your humanity? Will you be saved in time or will you be taken away to the dark side.

The book represents the struggles these boys have to go through to survive the beast inside themselves.   
Lord of the Flies is a novel by William Golding, it tells the story of a plane that was shot down during a war and inside that plane was a group of English boys from ages 5-13. When landed on the island they see that it's a beautiful island filled with trees and freshwater and most of the boys are happy that they landed on the Island but other boys like Ralph's main priority is to survive and get saved. Another boy’s main priority whose name is jack is to hunt and have fun on the island. But soon the bloodlust of the hunt and the kill becomes a trigger for jack and the group of boys.

Throughout the novel you will see how the boys start to change for the worst. They are slowly turning into savages and at one point they turn into full out crazy. Most of the boys, such as Ralph, Piggy and Simon are among the few boys that remain the same. But others have lost themselves to the beast and the island. The beast is a form of savagery but the boys believe it is something on the island coming after them. Ralph who is the leader for some time tries to save them from turning into savages but it’s too late. They soon turn their back on the boys who still have a bit of humanity left. But things soon to turn for the worst when some of them soon realize who the beast truly is; themselves.  

This book is one of the most fascinating yet disturbing novels I've read. I never really wanted to read this book at first but when I started reading the chapters I was getting more into the cliffhangers and surprises throughout the book. The book has many story lines that I enjoyed, such as the rivalry between Jack and Ralph, the growing savagery and more. I give the book 5 stars. I recommend this book for ages 13 and up for the violence and language throughout the novel. I truly loved this book and I hope many others read it and enjoy it too. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks

#1 New York Times bestselling author Nicholas Sparks delivers a stunning tale about a man whose brushes with death lead him to the love of his life. - New York Times

The Lucky One

This story represents the struggle of finding your true love, even if you have to go through pain, death and lies.

During U.S Marine Logan Thiblault tour in Iraq he finds a photograph of a beautiful young woman half buried in the dirt. Suddenly trouble arises and he is sent flying in the air by a powerful bomb. Many have not survived, he wasn’t supposed to survive he was a lucky one. Soon after he suddenly experiences a sedentary streak of luck, winning poker games and even surviving more deadly combat. His best friend Victor seems to have an explanation to his good fortune: the photograph. It was his lucky charm.

Back home in Colorado, Thibault can't seem to get the women in the photograph out of his head, he had to see her, meet, get to know her and thank her for saving his life. He sets out on a journey across the country to find her. When Thibault first met her, he is caught off guard by the strong attraction he feels for her. Elizabeth, a divorced mother of a young boy. He soon lands a job at her farm and keeps the photo and the story of his luck a secret from her. As he and Elizabeth get to know each other they soon embark upon a passionate affair. But soon Thibaults secret will threaten to tear them apart, destroying not only their love but their lives. Elizabeth's ex-husband will soon go on jealous rage and find a way to make Thibault the bad guy. Will her ex-husband succeed? Will they end up together? Or will the lies tear them apart? Find out in Nicholas Sparks the Lucky One.

Now this book is on my list of top 3 Nicholas Sparks books. I actually watched the movie before reading the book. The movie was amazing, stellar cast and great acting. After watching the movie I thought "many people say books are better than the movies" so I decided to read the book. Many important details about the time he served in the war and time he searched looking for Elizabeth were taken out of the movie. So yeah the book was way better than the movie. I loved the whole war aspect in the book. And how finding his soul mate gave him luck, life and most importantly love. This story deserves a 4 and a half because of its theme and I'm a sucker for romance with a bit of action and drama. This story is a bit mature and had frequent violence because of the subject of war. Recommended for ages 14 and up.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Starlighter by Bryan Davis

Starlighter is the first book in the adventure/fantasy series "Dragons of Starlight". It's a book about friendship, trust and a whole lot of conflict along the way. It's about these two teens Koren and Jason who live on two separate planets. Fate brings them together by this old legend. This legend set many years ago, talks about a dragon, one of the most ferocious ones of all, kidnapping people and taking them through a portal to the dragon ruled planet and making them as slaves.

Jason's older brother Adrian is intrigued by this legend and decides to go on a quest to find that portal and save all the people stuck there. But by leaving, he leaves his job as bodyguard for the governer, a much honored title. Jason soon takes that job but he doesn't realize trouble is brewing. The governor is murdered and Jason is falsely accused, his only choice is to flea and finds the portal. He sets on a journey with an old friend Elyssa, Thibalt a prisoner and Randall a warrior. Will he find the portal? Will he get to his brother in time? Or will they die trying like many others have?

Later on, on the Dragon ruled planet there was a yound girl named Koren. Koren possesses a gift of storytelling; she could hypnotize anybody and get them to do what she wants. She soon finds out from an unusually nice dragon named Arxad that because she possesses this gift she is a "starlighter". She is taken in and is chosen to be the protector of the black egg. In the black egg lies a dragon prince and when he hatches he will end all humans and let the dragons rom free. While looking at the egg she saw him, Jason the boy looking for his brother and the portal. Jason saw her too. 

Working together will they be able to open the portal and save all humans or will they fail and destroy everyone? Find out in Starlighter by Bryan Davis.

When I first read these books summery I thought "nope not reading this". I didn't want to read it because it didn't catch my attention at first. I wasn’t really into the whole dragons theme in this book. I actually started reading this it because I had nothing to do; I saw it and decided to start reading. I was happy that I actually read the book. It was amazing I loved how there was two different perspectives in this story. The main characters Jason and Koren are the perfect team. I will never judge a book but its cover (or in this case by its summery) ever again! I give this book four stars for its creativity in the theme and I loved how it wasen't a book with any romance, it was only friendship, thrust and the love for one another. I recommend this book for teens thirteen to eighteen because there is violence.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Maze Runner by James Dashner

Maze Runner by James Dashner

"[A] mysterious survival saga that passionate fans describe as a fusion of Lord of the Flies, The Hunger Games, and Lost."—

The Maze Runner is a book about survival and strength. It's the first book in the Trilogy. Every 30 days the the "glade" gets a new person joining them and this time it's Thomas. He wakes up from this elevator shaft with no recognition of the past but he only remembers his name. The glade consists of at least 50 boys not one girl.  Outside the towering walls of the glade was a maze. One by one or multiple groups of people take turn going into the maze trying to find a way out. But when nightfall comes they are stuck and will never come out alive. Creatures and machines from the maze at night looking for a new pray and they always succeed. The glades will get the shock of their lives when after a good thirty days a girl comes up from the shaft with a secret more. The girl Teresa seems to recognize Thomas. Now the question is will they be able to survive the maze? Will try ever leave? Or will they be stuck there forever? Find out in Maze Runner by James Dashner.

I've heard lots about this book even before the movie came out (the movie was awesome by the way). Many friends have said it was a good book others say it was amazing. So I decided to check it out myself. I bought the book and I wanted to grasp every single detail in the book and not rush into it, it was worth the wait. I love the author’s creativity the maze theme. It was unique and graves my attention the minute I started reading. It reminded me of the book "Lord of the Flies" because in both books groups of boys had to work together to survive in a strange place. I give this book 4 stars and a half because it was really well written and he described every single aspect in the book in perfect detail. I recommend this book for ages 13 and up because there's lots of violence.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Divergent by Veronica Roth

Divergent by Veronica Roth

Divergent is a new and exciting novel full of excitement and uniqueness like no other. It's the first book in the series by Veronica Roth, set in a dystopian Chicago; people have been separated in 5 factions according to their qualities: Abnegation for the selfless, Candor for the honest, Dauntless for the brave, Amity for the peaceful and Erudite for the knowledgeable. The main character, Beatrice Prior is faced with the decision to either leave Abnegation the faction she had grown up in or to change her life forever. As soon as she turned 16 they take a test to see which faction is most recommended for her. But she soon finds out she is special, she is "Divergent". It's not safe and she must keep it a secret but she soon finds out it's harder than she thinks.

Beatrice; who will be known by Tris, transfers to Dauntless, a faction known for bravery and courage. Tris now must struggle with her fears, friends and enemies and maybe a love interest named Four. How will she handle her new faction and the mysteries that resign in it? Will she be able to stay in the shadows forever or will she be caught? Find out in Veronica Roth's Divergent.

Many people have compared this book to The Hunger Games and Harry Potter for its similarity in things that are beyond anyone could imagine, but that's all you can really compare, as soon as you pick up the book you cannot let it go until the end. In each chapter resides a new discovery that will intrigue and excite you to find out what's next.

First time I heard about this book I wanted to read it. It looked so unique and exciting, two of my favorite qualities in a book. Lots of my friends who have already read the book have said it was spectacular and very well written. So I borrowed the book from a friend and started reading and couldn't stop. I was so hooked on the book I started taking it with me everywhere. I finished the book in about three days and it was worth the time. Veronica Roth has created an amazing new world in her stories; I wish I had that imagination. I recommend this book for people ages 12 and up and I give it four stars.

Dystopian: A dystopia is a community or society that is often characterized by dehumanization, totalitarian governments, environmental disaster, or other characteristics associated with a cataclysmic decline in society.