Monday, December 29, 2014

Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion

'Isaac Marion has created the most unexpected romantic lead I have ever encountered'
- Stephanie Meyer 1# New York Times Best Selling Author of the Twilight Saga

Warm Bodies By Isaac Marion

In a-post apocalyptic future a zombie named R lives in an abandoned airport near a city. He refers to himself as R because he has no relocation of his old life only his zombie one. 

In the beginning he explains his life as a zombie as he says " I am dead, but its not so bad". He also explains how they are separated into two groups the Fleshies, the Dead who still have flesh on them, and the Boneys, the Dead who have been reduced to nothing more than skeletons with bits of muscle keeping them together. The Boneys are basically the leaders of the Dead, and are seemingly stronger and more intelligent than the Fleshies. R is a Fleshie. What R does not like to do is go hunted for the living, but he needs too, its his only life source.

Julie, a young human girl goes into the city with her boyfriend, Perry and a couple of friends to scavenge some medical supplies and food. While packing supplies into bags they hear sounds and soon after a group of zombies come in and attack. R is one of those zombies. R, while hunting gets distracted by Julie and soon gets shot by Perry. R enraged by being attacked soon kills Perry and starts eating his brain but not all of it, he stores his food because when eating someones brain you get memories, the only sort of dreams for the living dead. Everyone is killed exempt for Julie and her best friend Nora, Nora is in hiding but Julie was not so lucky.   

After killing Perry, R sees Julie all distressed and panicked thinking she is going to die, but R gives pity on the human and saves her. He approaches her and masked her scent with blood of the dead so the other zombies don't know she is a human. He takes her into hiding and keeps her safe. They soon get to know each other and it seems like a strange romance is blooming. But in this society where each other is killed for being who they are will their relationship survive or will they be separated by their two worlds.       

This book is probably one the most interesting books I have ever read. It really demonstrates that no matter who you are love is possible. Its also strange for me because I have never read about a zombie falling in love with a human before or vise versa. I actually loved this book because it has comedy, action and romance all in one. Its the perfect package in book. I have had a bit of doubt about this book but I was glad I actually took the time to read it and love it. This book is a bit gory with all the eating humans and stuff but its great for kids 12 and up. I give this book 4 and a half stars.   

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

 To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Harper Lee's coming-of-age tale, To Kill a Mockingbird, is set in the Deep South, and is told through the eyes of a little girl named Jean Louis Finch, commonly known as ScoutTo Kill a Mockingbird is both a brilliant rendering of a specific time and place as well as a universal tale of how understanding can triumph over old and evil mindsets.

Scout Finch lives with her father, a lawyer and a widow and her brother Jem. The first part of the novel explains Jem and Scout having fun, meeting new people and learning about a shadowing figure by the name of Boo Radley who lives in the neighboring house and is never seen. A number of bad rumors surround this man (he is rumored to be a runaway murderer, who steals children), but their fair-minded father warns them that they should try to see the world from the other people's perspectives and not judge people from rumors. 

Another plot line involves a young black man by the name of Tom Robinson who is accused of raping a white girl. Atticus, Scouts father takes on the case despite the largely white racist townsfolk. Given the cold shoulder by the white community, the Finch's are welcomed into the black community and Scout is amazed by the happy community despite being poor. When the time of the trial comes round, Atticus proves that the girl that Tom Robinson is accused of raping actually seduced him, and that the injuries to her face were caused by her father. 

Anyway, even with all the compelling evidence against the girl, Tom Robinson was convicted and put in jail because of the large white jury who only believe what the white say. Later on in the novel Tom believes there is no hope and the only way to get to his family is to escape but he caught and killed. 

What will happen to the Finch's family now? What about the Robinson family? Will there any be hope for the black community? Find out in To Kill a Mockingbird 

Okay, to be honest it was not one of my favorite books I have read. But it was good. I loved to story behind it, it was depressing but captivating at the same time. In the novel I thought that the white jury will have a change of mind and say that Tom Robinson was not guilty but things seem to have taken a turn for the worst in this novel. Anyways, this book demonstrates how far people will go to make someone feel guilty in every way. I think this novel should be for teens 14 and up because there is language and violence in the book. I give this book 3 and a half stars.