Monday, November 3, 2014

The Lord of Flies by William Golding

The Lord of Flies by William Golding

What if your plane crashes on an island and the only thing keeping you alive is your humanity? Will you be saved in time or will you be taken away to the dark side.

The book represents the struggles these boys have to go through to survive the beast inside themselves.   
Lord of the Flies is a novel by William Golding, it tells the story of a plane that was shot down during a war and inside that plane was a group of English boys from ages 5-13. When landed on the island they see that it's a beautiful island filled with trees and freshwater and most of the boys are happy that they landed on the Island but other boys like Ralph's main priority is to survive and get saved. Another boy’s main priority whose name is jack is to hunt and have fun on the island. But soon the bloodlust of the hunt and the kill becomes a trigger for jack and the group of boys.

Throughout the novel you will see how the boys start to change for the worst. They are slowly turning into savages and at one point they turn into full out crazy. Most of the boys, such as Ralph, Piggy and Simon are among the few boys that remain the same. But others have lost themselves to the beast and the island. The beast is a form of savagery but the boys believe it is something on the island coming after them. Ralph who is the leader for some time tries to save them from turning into savages but it’s too late. They soon turn their back on the boys who still have a bit of humanity left. But things soon to turn for the worst when some of them soon realize who the beast truly is; themselves.  

This book is one of the most fascinating yet disturbing novels I've read. I never really wanted to read this book at first but when I started reading the chapters I was getting more into the cliffhangers and surprises throughout the book. The book has many story lines that I enjoyed, such as the rivalry between Jack and Ralph, the growing savagery and more. I give the book 5 stars. I recommend this book for ages 13 and up for the violence and language throughout the novel. I truly loved this book and I hope many others read it and enjoy it too.